Jesus Christ is God, and was with God in the beginning. Throughout the Old Testament, Jesus is present and active, although He is hidden in the text under other names, such as “the Lord,” “the Angel of the Lord,” “the Word of the Lord,” and “Wisdom.” The New Testament tells the story of how God’s Son was born of a woman (conceived by the Holy Spirit) and given the name "Jesus," which means "Saviour." Throughout His life, Jesus said and did what was necessary to fulfil the Word of God and also teach us the Word of God. By dying for us, Jesus took away our sins. His resurrection proves that there is life after death. Jesus is now ascended to God’s right hand, which means that He has the place of honour and authority in the glorious kingdom of heaven. He said clearly and often that He will come again on the Last Day, which is when the dead will be raised and all will be judged with a verdict of either innocent or guilty. Until then, we can learn about Him from His Word, and we have Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. These three things (the Word, Baptism, and Communion), are what God uses to create and strengthen saving faith in our hearts.
Our Redeemer is an independent Lutheran congregation located in the suburb of Petrie, which is on the northside of the city of Brisbane, in Queensland, Australia. We hold to the Bible as the true word of God and follow only the teachings which God has taught in His Word. We know that salvation comes to us through faith in Christ Jesus alone, and that it is through Christ that we will enjoy eternal life in heaven.
Served by Rev. Daniel Finn, we are in fellowship with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Australia (ELSA), and with the worldwide
Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference (CELC). We are assisted by the
Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) and enjoy full fellowship with the
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).
(NOTE: This page is not an exhaustive list of the Bible's teachings. For a fuller description of the doctrines we believe, please
click here to find an excellent publication by the ELS doctrine committee entitled "We Believe, Teach and Confess." Also, please feel free to contact Pastor Finn, who will happily assist you in finding the answer to any question you might have.)